Enable Bluetooth on RPI

We had to turn off Bluetooth on the Raspberry Pi images by default because it interfered with the serial interface. If you don't need the UART but need Bluetooth, you can enable it with this guide.

Modify config.txt

First, we need to deactivate UART and re-activate Bluetooth overlays in the config.txt file. Open an SSH connection to your Pi and open the file with the following command:

sudo nano /boot/config.txt

Search this part:

## Enable Hardware UART for Serial Communication
## This also disables Bluetooth!

and add a # before enable_uart and dtoverlay. After this modification, it should look like this:

## Enable Hardware UART for Serial Communication
## This also disables Bluetooth!

To save the file and exit, press CTRL+S and CTRL+X.

Enable Bluetooth services

The next step is to re-active the services for Bluetooth. This is done with the following commands:

sudo systemctl enable hciuart.service
sudo systemctl enable bluetooth.service

After a reboot (sudo reboot), Bluetooth should be enabled and ready to use.

Last updated

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