MainsailOS is a prebuilt image for single board computers that already includes Mainsail, Moonraker and Klipper.
What is MainsailOS?
MainsailOS is a prebuilt image for several Single Board Computers (SBC) models. It contains some pre-configuration and software needed to run with Klipper firmware and Mainsail as your WebGUI to control your 3D printer.
MainsailOS images includes:
Crowsnest as webcam daemon
Sonar as keep alive daemon
Timelapse plugin for Moonraker
Preinstalled software dependencies:
MainsailOS is not the "all in one" solution for any use case. It is just a simple and easy starting point to enjoy Mainsail and its features.
MainsailOS is not the typical distribution, for example, Debian or Ubuntu. We only added the software parts to the existing base images for your SBC. Therefore you will not find any customization beyond installing needed software. Any customization regarding logging behavior, hardware support, or driver stability is out of our scope and must be addressed to these SBC base image developers. We won't and will not give any support for these categories.
Supported Hardware/SBCs
We try to enhance the list of currently supported SBCs continually. But we also decided not to support any SBC out there. Here is a table of supported SBCs and which SBCs we want to support in the future.
Raspberry Pi 1 / Zero 1 / 2
Raspberry Pi OS lite
not recommended
Raspberry Pi Zero 2 / 3 / 4
Raspberry Pi OS lite
Orange Pi Zero 2
Armbian CLI
till Version 1.3.2 Orange PI OS based
Orange Pi 3 LTS / 4 LTS
Armbian CLI
Radxa Rock 4 SE / CM3
Armbian CLI
Libre Computer Le Potato
Release model and release cycles
As usual for projects of the mainsail-crew, we handle releases not in a time based cycle.
It's done, when it's done ...
This is the typical answer to our release model. We dont plan releases on a strict timeline, more common practice, due the fact we all doing that in our spare time, is if we decide the "Product" is finished and release ready in some kind, we pull up the anchor and set sails...
This applies also to the OS, we provide new releases when we are done. Further more we want to provide an basic image, these images are more or less "timeless" and can be updated to latest forms no matter how old that image is in particular.
For the future we plan to release a new image if a new mainsail version reaches the horizon. Speaking of the underlying OS itself we will release everytime, major changes are introduced by mentioned software. Such as Moonraker's path changes for example.
Also we try to follow the major version changes of the underlying OS image as soon as possible. Please keep in mind that all is done, by a handful of addicted peoples and takes sometimes a while.
Getting started ...
Simply hit the next button, down below, to see how to get started.
Last updated
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